Confessions of a Bibliophile

{August 20, 2008}   It’s My Dads Birthday

Ok, so that’s a slight fib. It’s Robert Plants birthday. For those of you who do not know, I maintain that Robert Plant used to be our milkman and is in fact actually my father. Is that even close to true? Nah, but I prefer to live in delusion.

That being said, Happy Birthday pretend dad!!!

It’s actually the birthday of a lot of men I love. James Marsters, known best as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and also known as my future hubby is 46 today!! Lets all take a moment and bask in the glory of his hotness.


Also, Mr. Fred Durst from Limp Bizkit is celebrating today. I love the me some Bizkit. DON’T JUDGE! And Freddie is one of those I CAN’T HELP IT (!!!!!!) kinda little crush things. So Fred, thanks for the tunes and those lovely blue eyes.

Happy birthday boys!!

I can only vouch for ONE of those men up there- James Marsters- totally hot- the rest- noooot so much my type. But you know me- I’d rather them be oozing bow ties and crew cuts than tatted and smelly 🙂 differn’t strokes for differn’t folks

Brittany Gray says:

Fred is just one of those looks like he should stink boys… I can’t help it.

Marsters, OMG! Sometimes when I watch Buffy I just stare at the tv with my mouth hangin open like a fool. It’s ridiculous.

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