Confessions of a Bibliophile

(and one totally awesome thing…)

1. I pulled the mayors coffee cup out of the trash and sniffed it. What? We were trying to figure out where a mystery lemon smell was coming from.

2. Sara Beth walked into the studio and said, “Real quick. Is it just me or do my apples smell like bubble gum?”
mcdonalds-apple-dippers1 +    bubble-gum2 


0415 sorry about the wonkiness of that equation. WordPress is not my photo friend. After 25 minutes of trying to fix it I give up


3. Nikki G told everyone that if I could pick ANYONE to kiss at midnight on New Years it’d be Joe Dirt, because I could go for a ride on the Tilt-A-Whirl immediately after.

joe-dirt-11 (come on. Who could resist?)


4. At some point this afternoon I will iron a photoshopped picture of one lucky person onto a pair of festive New Year underwear I am making for one unlucky fella.

5. (aka totally awesome thing number1) I GOT A GINORMOUS BOX OF BLOWPOPS! Thanks Dabeed!


So basically what I’m saying is that it’s just a normal day in my life. =)

Once again have a safe and happy new year!!!

…or the web address of my blog. I’ve just been lacking in the Things to Blog About department recently.

I hope you had a great Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrated this season. Mine was fairly uneventful, but in my world that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I got to see the parts of the fam that I only see two or three times a year and spent all of Christmas day with my mommy.

I’m ready for it to be New Year’s Day already. I’m looking forward to being done with the celebrating, not in a bah humbug sort of way, in an I’ll be glad when things are back to normal way. I like normal. I’m ok with normal. Plus, I’m looking forward to 2009 (except that part where I turn 25. I’m not looking forward to that). I have some high expectations for it, so here’s hoping it lives up.

In case I don’t blog before then (and chances are good that will be the case) have a safe and happy New Year. I expect to hear stories on Jan. 2nd!!

Dunno what said blog is going to be about, but there you have it.

First of all, I’ve been slacking on going to see Ian again. My thighs do not thank me.

Second, Festival of Lights Parade is Saturday. I love that parade! It’s gonna be freezing, but getting all bundled up and playing outside is part of the fun. I’m excited.

Following the parade Nikki G, Sara Beth, and myself plan to get our holiday spirit on and camp out in my living room to watch Christmas movies. Fun times will be had by all.

Third…..well, I don’t think I have a third. My bad.  =\

Have a great weekend!

et cetera